Saga (aka Gold Saint Gemini and the Pope of Sanctuary) is a character from the anime/manga series "Saint Seiya" created by the brilliant artist Masami Kurumada circa 1987. The chara in Saint Seiya are very distinctive (usually cloaked in colorful armor) and I wanted to break them out of their molds, so I sketched a few in attire that is out of the ordinary for them, but still befitting their personalities. In honor of Saga's birthday (05/30), I created this piece. Dressed in a crisp white suit, a silky white shirt and tie, and holding a glass of champagne, Saga celebrates his special day! But, as usual, Saga is too serious. Medium used: a simple mechanical pencil and a sheet of white all-purpose paper.
SamuraiNingyo (Fan Art Portfolio) Celebration Saga
- Created
- 01/09/08
- Category
- Knights of the Zodiac Fan Art
- Tags
- fanart, gemini, knights, pope, saga, saint, seiya, zodiac
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