this is a request i got from Parakeets. i hope you enjoy it!!!!! the left arm and the right leg look weird.0-o i'm just not very good at drawing hands and feet. plz vote and comment if you like this pic.tehe!oh and i made a story that go's with it, here you go! he was an undercover pirate. his crew betrayed him once they found out, and they took off his feather things on his back for it.they almost killed him on the platue he was on. (they were looking for treasure) then he jumped off the cliff and into the forest before they could kill him. that's the end of his story. hoped you liked it!
PikaGirl816 (Fan Art Portfolio) Carazy Sneasle
- Created
- 01/28/08
- Category
- Pokemon Fan Art
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- 3 votes
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- 3 members
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- Parakeets
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