KAJIME (c) to MOI! CAUSE I'M KAJIME! XD Need someone cuddly when your sad? Need someone to inspire you when your about to give up?Need someone to make you laugh? Get a plushie! But not just any plushie! Get a Kajime Plishie! $8 is all and she comes with cool action phrases like: "Fire!" "Keepin' it Real!" and even "Yes, snarkey IS a word!" Only $8 and you'll have a friend for life! And with an easy payment of $1 you can get extra phrase packs including the: "I Hate Asuka" Pack "Anime" Pack "Top Hits" Singing Pack the "I Love Edward Elric" Pack "The Pimp" Pack and the "Battle-Ready" Pack! This is a great deal! Buy a Kajime plush and you will have a forever-fun companion! Get a Kajime plushie today! WARNING-CanLearnPhrasesFromOwnerIncludingVulgarLanguage, MaySetThingsOnFireRandomly, SarcasmIncluded (SellersNotResponsableForAccidents) XD XD XD XD XD i did this last night. i was really bord; if you can't tell. it took about ten minutes to draw and color. i had to edit some of it in paint because the gel pens i used didn't scan.
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- Created
- 02/09/08
- Category
- Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
- Tags
- kajime, plush, wolf
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- 1 vote
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- 1 member
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