No. X of Arashi Juusannin.
Simon is also Chinese and if you�ve seen Charlie�s profile, you�d have learned that Simon�s his younger brother.
And he�s Sophia's boy! ^^
Name: Simon Isshin
Arashi Juusannin Name: Simon Sunback
Age: 17 (but is apparently short for age)
Sibling: Charlie Isshin
Arashi Juusannin Rank: No. X (member)
Weaponry: None, skilled in the martial arts
Counterpart: Sophia
Simon is a very funny character. And he is rather childish. Oo Then again, he is Charlie�s younger brother by two years so of course that�s why, too�
And he has height issues because he�s so DAMN SHORT compared to the boys! XD Though compared to the girls, he�d be like Nade�s height.
Anyway, Simon�s outfit here�that�s his second draft. His first one wasn�t even that different. Only difference: I changed his pants and added a sash on him now. XD
Like Ike, Scott, and Charlie, Simon�s looks were based off one of my own original characters again. Before Simon Isshin, it was Austin Krad--Ike Krad�s cousin.
You already know what his last name means by Charlie.
Simon's name was an inspirational name from Simon in William Golding's "Lord of the Flies." =)
Simon Isshin � �Sturm und Drang, Prickly and Proud.�
Simon � author's original characters