^___^ WhooT! It's finally finished!! (now to finish up Sage of Magic's pic, heheh...) I loved her original pose, so I modified it to suit how I saw her, and then I added a bunch of crazy colors. I wanted to do a "spring" picture, as it's FINALLY not cold here, so yeah. ^^" I kind of like all of it, with the exception of the awful bg. By the time I got to that, I was about ready to murderize my comp, so I already know that it sucks. Apologies! I also played around with a slightly different style than normal, as people seem to have been getting on my case for not experimenting more. Don't quite know if it works for me or not yet... Anyways, hope you like it! Please comment! (I'll luff y'all forever if you can give me constructive criticism!)
briar rose90 (Fan Art Portfolio)
Xxi Wuv Pockyxx's Trade

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