THE BACKGROUND KILLS YOUR EYES. AHAHAHA! (it was originally a sandy brown but that was for the sake of not missing anything when I colored it)..
Well. Another photoshop test.
This time I used HF~ Because it was a simple enough profile/bust and it was all ready drawn. I was testing out textures and shizz -gestures towards his hair.- I kinda like it. Kinda.. :/ I'm indifferent. (note to self: NEVER COLOR HF IN PHOTOSHOP EVER AGAIN!)
:/ His skin came out way darker then I wanted it too. IT'S ALMOST AIZEN LOOKING. Dx Sorry. I do like it though. :'D All in all I do like this.
His hair was just murder. =___= -grumbles at HF.- In the end -gestures towards bottom part of hair.- I was getting really lazy and just half-assed it. Nyah. I'm indifferent towards his hair. I don't know if I like it or not...
Things I like:
+Skiiiiin and shading
Things I don't like:
+...Clothes are kinda bland. Ah well.
About three and a half hours.
Random techno on the System (xm radio station)
Photoshop 6.0