Title: Yura of the Hair
The Story:
Yura of the Hair as requested by :devYuraofhtehairFan:. To me, she comes off to be a seductress, so it wasn’t too hard for me to find a few poses to try with her.
My Take:
I wrestled with a few different poses here, but eventually decided on this one, it was different than any I tried before, plus I can actually see Yura with a pose like this. I don’t usually do night time scenes unless it’s a Halloween drawing, I thought it would be a good idea if I went in that direction for a change.
What I Like Most:
How about that…I got her hands to look decent for a change! It doesn’t happen very often, so I’m pretty happy with that! I also came up with a couple of trees which didn’t come out too badly if I do say so myself!
What I Dislike Most:
I had probably a dozen titles for this one, but none of them were any good. I settled for the character’s name. Looking back, it looks like I had a couple of mishaps when coloring her hair…it doesn’t look too bad, I think I can let it slide.
Final Thoughts:
This is for a friend of mine on DA, to thank him for all his support!
For those of you that are new to my drawings, I use a different style than you are used to. I have nothing against the original style, but I’m not going to try to be someone that I’m not. I want to have a style of my own.