KittyKoma (Fan Art Portfolio) Emma all growed up! :P

Emma all growed up! :P
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Hurray for obnoxiously long captions! (comment and vote!)
Here we have the lovely miss Emma through her life.

Age 5:everything is right in the world with little emmie, she has a mommy, and a daddy and they love her very much! She lives in Risembool and is close friends with Ed, Al and Winry.

Age 7: Her Dad dies in action when in Ishbal and her mother dies from pneumonia and broken heart. Little Emma then goes off by herself to Central. not knowing people are looking for her. She has a terrible two years filled with traumatizing memories. leading to her fear of thunder storms, loud noises and dark(she wont admit to that one)

Age 9:Roy Mustang finds Emma just in time and saves her from a group that was going to beat her for stealing bread. She finds out that her father requested for Roy to be her legal guardian if anything happened to her parents. Her life gets better living with Roy and she becomes more outgoing.

Age 13:Emma is known for causing mayhem throughout Central. Roy assigns his men to go watch her almost everyday. At this point Roy is stricter with her and starts training her to become a state alchemist. Emma desperately wants to become a state alchemist and research more about her fathers death. She also meets Ed and Al again. at age 12.

Age 16: Emma runs off at age 15 and becomes Carson, a phantom thief. Ed and Al capture her and bring her back to Central. Roy makes sure that the Carson situation was 'solved' and recommended Emma to become a state alchemist. She passes and then becomes partners with Ed (despite both Ed and Em's wishes). Emma tags along on their missions, she tends to get herself into more trouble that she does helping Ed and Al on their missions. Emma would go off for weeks at a time and eventually show up again. At age 16 Ed and Emma become closer(possibly friends with benefits lol) Em stays around but doesn't listen to Ed when he tells her to stay, which leads her into a mess of trouble. She is captured by homonculi when she was suppose to be waiting for him. Envy takes a liking to Emma and likes playing with her mind. she eventually escapes and finds Ed, just in time before he goes into the underground city. Ed commands Emma to stay with Russel and Fletcher (yes they were there, i watched that episode) but Emma being Emma, goes anyways and watches Ed die. When he is brought back to life and is about to bring Al back to life Emma walks out and begs him not to. Ed ignores her wishes and asks her to watch over Al. she promises and he goes. Emma was never the same.

Age 18: Now that Ed's gone, Emma is completely different. she's quiet and only friendly to Al. She forbids herself from using alchemy and rarely fights. She follows Al around like a little puppy, trying to help him in anyway she can. But anytime anyone brings up Ed's name Emma leaves the area immediately. She doesn't like talking about or thinking about Ed. She finally convinces herself that Ed is dead and there's no use caring about him. When Ed does return Emma has a breakdown. She believes that Ed is a fraud and wants him to stay away from Al. Ed finally convinces her that he is Ed(not saying how XD)oh, and Al starts getting feelings for Em and vise versa.

21:Emma is in much better spirits once she's with Ed again. Her life is getting back to normal and now she can legally drink!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
age, emma, rosa, time line
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