Art Trade with: melina678
Trade Picture
WOOOO! Lotsa complications with this image. It wasn't the image itself this time! IT WAS THE ART SUPPLIES. x:!!!!
First, my pens went missing. D': I had no clue where my .005 pen went. I was getting ready to buy a new one because I wanted to GET THIS DONE! *O*;;; But then, when I was at work, I looked down at the pen holder AND SAW MY PEN!!! I instantly grabbed it, hugged it and cooed over it. My boss was like '....that's been here forever? x:' and I was like 'I LOST THIS YESTERDAYYYYY!!!! WAHHHHH!!!!! MY PENNNN!!!!1 *hughughug*'
Lawl. I checked the nib and saw it was pressed a little... ;o;... stupid people. This is an artists pen! >O< You don't press hard with it like you do with normal pens! ;O;
...Well they didn't know. >_>;;
After I found my pen, I couldn't find my eraser! I still can't!
During the middle of this picture, I was coloring Itachi's hair THEN MY BLACK COPIC MARKER DIED. OH GOOOOD. So that's why the top of his coat looks a blurred together. D'X I had to break out the watercolors and finish it.
I also SUUUUCKKKK at kissing scenes for some reason, so I went and looked up that kissing tutorial and used the pose at the bottom. Wooooo~!
Hope you like it, Melina! ;D WOOOOOOOO~! I was thinking of that part in your story where Itachi first gives her the necklace. ;O
Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto
Pose taken from Tutorial
Art © 2008, Spirit Archer