Okay, so, I watched latest Naruto Shippuuden episode, and in it, they had the flash back of the fight between Naruto and Sasuke before Sasuke leaves, and I'm like...dooode....I wanna draw a picture of them fighting like that when they're older.
As you can see, it didn't turn out like that at all. ^^; Right about when I got done sketching the poses, I said screw it and just decided to draw 'em fighting. Though I can't so very good action poses so Naruto looks messed up.
They're cloths drive me insane. I was actually going to look up some designs for them but, I wanted to get it finished. And now it looks like crap. :/
I fail at backgrounds so there isn't one. :3
...my scanner sucks majorly so when I scanned it in, Naruto's resengan didn't show all the way up and neither did Sasuke's Chidori...so, I loaded it into photoshop and tried to add it in. ...it looks just as retarded here as it does on the real drawing. XD
...edit: I messed with it in photoshop to give it kinda a softer feel. The brightness of it before made my eyes hurt a lot. >.< heres the original one...http://yuicia.deviantart.com/art/You-re-coming-back-Original-80734813[link]