Koneako (Fan Art Portfolio) Mikiru


*insert RyosukeForever squeal here* -!!!!!______SQUEAL______!!!!!-
OMG I remember drawing her back in September! lol I found her in my mum's purse (Uh Oh, Arizona girl using the british accent again O.o Im good at it though, people ask me where I am 'from' lol) this morning. And I was all, it's Mikiru!!!!! You see, I have all these stories in my head, and it's like I'll write the beggining, and it's all sweet and stuff, but I dont want to say I get bored...but I get lost. And I'll find another story to start a beggining but no end on. lol
This one is from...like, August/October I think. Really, the main chracters are named Suichi and Kaoru. Oh, it's a good story! (lol) But, I remember I couldnt come up with the middle for my story, but, I wanted to draw more characters! So I drew Mikiru, and a few others I cannot find. XD I suppose I really wanted to draw that cute little girl image (What I used to be lol).
And I was thinking fruit that day...O.o' ROFL
I actually, think I had a fight with myself on wether she would represent cherries, or strawberries. Omehgosh I am so serious! ROFL
Turns out I wrote a profile to the right of her (that I cut off scanning it)

Name: Mikiru Akamori
Age: 9
DOB: 4/8/98 (I was gonna give her Kenni's B-day...dunno why I didnt)
Favorite Foods: Strawberries and cream (lol, see?)
Favorite Drinks: Strawberry Milk (Over obsession with strawberries?)
Favorite ITEMS: Strawberry accessories; Pink color combos. (O.o')
Favorite Colors: Pink, Yellow, and Blue (Her hair and her outfit I noticed)

Notice how it all revolves around...THE STRAWBERRY


Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
adorable, cute, girl, mikiru, pink, young
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