Michiyo Shimizu (Fan Art Portfolio) Sayaka and her Cat

Sayaka and her Cat
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I know it's kind of junk ;^; But I needed to submit something! TT.TT I'm sorry I haven't submitted anything in a month, it sucks D:_ I'm sooo busy... I blame school sooo much! D< D< D< D< and i'm dealing with heavy stress right now since of 3rd quarter ending this week xD;...

So I've felt like I can't make great artwork lately. Sucks.

But I drew this a few weeks ago xD; and I just completed it today. I still need a good background~ Anyone have a nice suggestion? 8D I'll take the suggestion that seems to fit Sayaka's personality and background info ;D Can anyone TRY to guess? XD

This is my character, Sayaka, she's a main character in another story of mine called Black Magic #13 83

I'm not on an art block, >.> just to say, I have tons of ideas in my head-- I don't get into art block unless I feel in confident or something O_o lol Though I feel like that right now D< I need someone certain's comments.. lol make me feel better, because i feel like i impress them ;^; orozu. Not that no one else's comments make me not feel good, of course they make me feel happy ^^ it's just that this person hardly comments on my artwork, and they're important to me.

Done in PS 7~ time taken: around 5+ hours?

The cat's name WAS yamo but I don't see any meaning it.. Japanese name suggestions? xD I'm so out of it.

Hope you like~~~~ Thank you all for your support and visits to my profile/gallery ~ ;___; I have such an unstable well-being these days.

~~~~~ I hope this is not too much of a draft, right? D:_ At least it's not lineart, you know xD

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
#13, 13, action, akida, black, black magic #13, cat, comedy, drama, famous, girl, hidden, identity, love, magic, michiyo, michiyo shimizu, rich, romance, sayaka, secret, shimizu
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