MissGoldenAngel (Fan Art Portfolio) Dragon's Pearl

Dragon's Pearl
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here's my newest art! :] the dragon guy sitting on the rocks is incognito, from my story incognito. and the birds are just some hawks/eagles/tweety birds that happened to fly by. and if you ask me, i have no clue where exactly he is in the picture, but that's pretty much the deal with everything i draw. my characters like empty random voids. o.o
and the blue! i like painting in blue for some reason. well, maybe the picture's blue because it's kind of the character's symbolic colour, with his hair and all being blue. :3

anywhos, who's played super smash bros brawl!? it's got to be the most awesome fighter i've ever played. i prefer to play 4 characters, who are 1) marth, 2) meta knight (don't ask me, i have no idea why i chose to play him :p), 3) ike, and 4) pit. i also play kirby and mayyyybe zelda if i'm bored. if you don't have it, it's worth the money. *3*

well, hope y'all have been great! we've had teeeesting all week long, so at least we get a break tomorrow since we get out early! *does dance*

fotoshawp cee ess two
mechanical pencils (my best drawing buddies)
theme: drifting by enya

sketch: 40 mins
inkyness: 45 mins
paint: 6 hours?
you can do the math yerself. :> i've had enough math testing for this week.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
dragon, incognito, mga
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