Tiffanie (Fan Art Portfolio) Chapter 1 fallen Sisters......A new hero or hlf breed is born

Chapter 1 fallen Sisters......A new hero or hlf breed is born
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Well I finally did it! I finally made big cats! This is for Zoulotashi. He wanted to see my drawings so bad so I'm showing him my new one right now. Um... These are Ireuka's haramina's charcters They are (C) to her. I asked it her that can I draw them.... She said sure. You know it's best if you ask sombody could you draw there charcters instead of like drawing them without asking unless it's a fan art. I did some reasearch at school last week and I went to protceting your copyrights. I heard that If you ask a person that can you like draw there charcters or there poses they'll thank you for asking them and they might say go on ahead! They say if they say no then don't worry about it. Ireuka is an cartoonist she show me Samurai warrior her series she's working on for cartoonetwork. It's so awsome it might even surpass Naruto. I love the music of it the graphics the color and best of all the action of it! The actors are cool to! I want to see the whole episode 1 again. It was funny! Any way these are the three main charcters in samurai cats....

The one on the left is Todji but his name is Ziren he's a white and green Ligar. This is my first time doing him in a pony tail of course he still have his spiked hair so don't fuss! He was rasied without a mom and dad like me. He's the main charcter in this story. That x mark on his chest is his birth mark Ireuka never told me this. Ziren is a samurai or fighter in traing.

The other one on the right that's my favorite you know who she is.....yep Sasumi! Or should I say Luna. That necklace on her is Chipazua (Luna's sister.) She asksed Ziren for help to rescue her Sis. Ziren gladly agrees to help her find and rescue her sis. Luna's is a lioness and she's also ziren's cursh.

And in the backround is Chipazua. Chipazua was captured by the evil Elfrin. He only captured her because he wanted her necklace. But Chipazua did not have it with her. Her sister Luna have it. Elfrin should've known that the two sisters were planning somthin. So he will excute Chipazua for her little games and kill Luna. But the Point is will Ziren be avalible to save chipazua in time before she gets excuted?

Personal Fan Art
samurai cats, samurai warrior
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omnia1 ChocoStrawberries
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