Well, these happen to be my little art trade sketches for XxI wuv PockyxX! She asked for this girl to be draw, so here is "Yaaay girl!"
I originally did the one on the left to be for the trade, but it looked so bad... So then I thought, "Heck, I'll just do another doodle to make up for it!"
And then in my oh so eventful 14 hour car trip down to and back up from Tennessee (God, it's so long in the car.... :/) I sketched up another little sketch of Pocky-chan's girl. And so, the other day, I decided that inking and coloring that would be the best choice.
'Course I'm terrified that now that I'm inking it, it'll be totally screwed up because of inking. Everything looks fine in pencil, but when you ink it...
I'm sorry these aren't of the best of quality, but my scanner wasn't able to scan them any darker with out it looking serious fricked out.
So, um, I tried some experimenting with perspective and new styles. My "new style trying" is mostly fiddling with the eyes and adding a line under the lips to make them look fuller.
What do you all think? :]