I drew this chibi of Shikamaru on his Bday...
Naruto: Hey, Shikamaru! I got you a present, BELIEVE IT!
Shikmaru: *sigh* Fine...
Naruto: *snigger* Enjoy! *runs off and watches Shikamaru open the present from outside*
*sounds of ripping paper*
Shikamaru: Ummm....
Chibi Pineapple: Hello brother! Happy BDay!
Naruto: *fits of laughter* HAHAHAHA!!! They look so alike!
I have about 3 pics I drew of Shikamaru with Chibi Pineapple! I plan to upload them soon! I'm still working on the Kiba drawing....Yeah, I'm a Shikamaru fangirl! Admit it, fellow fangirls....he has been asking for it!!!!!