cosmo2389 (Fan Art Portfolio) It's getting dark Lil' Red... Do you

It's getting dark Lil' Red... Do you
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Alright... So here is my take on Lil' Red and Big Bad... This drawing was actually drawn in December of last year and soon after colored... Because I felt a certain lack of interest after completing it, I decided not to post it... After a tiny bit more work I decided that it would be the first piece of art that I submit since the overhaul of theO, granted, I don't really care for the new fanart page because it goes against what Adam even stated that he wanted (I say this because Adam wanted the fanart section to be more fair, thus he restricted the number of artsies that could be submitted per day, this I agreed with, but by making the fanart page automatically direct to the most popular ones goes against his attempt at "fairness")...

If you are still reading, please vote/comment as you see appropriate. I really appreciate them, but I seriously doubt that I will get more than two or so... (Thanks Jangalian and Hearts!)

Oh yeah, nearly everyone who has ever drawn Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf has drawn them in the pose that I used, I just wanted to try my hand at it as well.

Other Anime and Manga Fan Art
big bad, big bad wolf, creepy, fairy tale, forest, lil' red, little red, little red riding hood
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brad4735167 Markus wolfe
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