I am sooo proud of this drawing =D
It's a little dragon stetch I was drawing today, and I decided to use it in the banner that I am entering into the Contest's WORLD competition.
I tried to show three different art types in the one picture: lead pencil, colored pencil and fineliner. It worked! Yay!
By doing that, I was trying to give the arty feel to it, that there are a lot more ways to draw the one picture.
I decided to add a bit of color to the dull parts with photoshop ^^
I know I know, it's not anime! But then again, not all contests are about anime, right? Plus, I thought it would go well with the background of the Contest WORLD; both dragons!
How you like!
Oh yeah. Just so you know, the dragon head's isn't bleeding, if that's what it looks like. It's just a dragon HEAD. It didn't get chopped off or anything ^^;; lol