Sapphire24Koneko (Fan Art Portfolio) Your Friends are My Friends- manga teaser

Your Friends are My Friends- manga teaser

This is a little teaser I made for a Fruits Basket manga series I'm working on. If all goes well, I think I'll try to put it out this summer! Besides the Furuba characters it also stars me and my friends as well, so I guess you could say that this is also like a dedication to all of my beloved friends. *hugs friends* Here's a quick summy:

"While trying to contact my friend on AIM, I accidently got my friends address mixed up and contact someone named 'Tohru' who lived in Japan! How emarassing! I could easily tell that she was new in instant messanger, though. But, instead of just saying sorry and closing out of the window, I talked to this 'Tohru' for a pretty long time. We both added each other on our friends list. I was hesitant to tell her my real name, do to the 'shady characters' you find in instant messengers, so I gave her a different name, 'Koneko'. After about two months, I then encountered Hatsuharu Sohma and Momiji Sohma while they were on a class trip to the United States-- my country! We both found out we were acquanted to Tohru, and exchanged screen names (my parents were even ok with it, since they proved Tohru was real) and kept in contact, in doing so, I was introduced to Tohru's other friends, too! I also introduced my friends to the others, as well. About a year later (this is after the Zodiac Curse was broken), my parents both got a raise and asked if I wanted to go to Japan. I'd have to go alone though, so it was arranged I'd surprise Tohru and the others and stay at Kyo Sohma's adoptive father's house, where I would stay for a whole month! I wonder what crazy adventures I'll have with Tohru, her friends and the Sohma family?!"

Wow, that was long... hope you all are interesting in checking it out when I post it! ^-^ Ja ne!

Fruits Basket Fan Art
friends, fruits basket, furuba, koneko, manga, manga teaser, me, tohru
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6 members Favoritefavorite
allycat2090 Naomi Bear turtle chris StrawberriiTea midnightqueen
Member Dedication
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