*used a thesaurus to think of a name* P:
Just merely an experiment with some colored inking pens I got on Thursday. I sketched up a drawing (and I even used a new style, but when I inked, it had to be changed so it looked not so weird) and began to ink it. And let me tell you, I bet my 08 micron is going to run out of ink from that shirt. 'Twas EVIL.
Truthfully, I wasn't thinking about putting this up. Actually, I lied. I was going to, but then I thought it turned out strangely. A bit of tweaking here and there helped me fix it up.
God, I love Michael's craft store. I got a new thin micron and some colored pigment pens. MY LIFE IS ALMOST COMPLETE. :DDDDD
Ignore the fact that the black surrounding the girl is uneven and doesn't color the area like it should. I scanned it, realized it didn't work and fixed it, scanned it again, and then gave up. I said it looked better enough the second time around. :P
Hmmm. Can't think of much else to say.
01 and 08 microns
one broken white gel pen (I really need to get one that works, I had to use a needle to fix some black parts)
some multicolored tripuls fineliner pigment outliner things
a needle
no idea how thin an 01 micron was, no idea how the colored pigment markers worked, and no patience
Thanks for viewing, everyone. Drop a comment and 'hug' if you feel like it. :]
Dedicated to igneouspiritfeonx, for believing in me, and just being plain amazing. :3 (And who happens to be alive!)