Kachikamac (Fan Art Portfolio) Felina

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This took me all week to finish! (i count weeks as in like, school days. And my school days are four days out of the week so i finished this in four days.)

I realize that my true strength lies in actually hand drawing and coloring things. But people on here dont seem to think so. Because digitally colored drawing are more...eye-catching, they seem to be recieved by a much larger audience. And my hand colored drawing arent, because theyre duller and dont have backgrounds or whatever. Which is really not what i want. Its fun to mix it up a bit though, which is why i was using the computer for my last few submissions.

But back to my drawing.

I named in Felina cause its like "feline" but Felina sounds more like a name. And i just really thought it was cool. So yeah...Its half colored with Prismas and half with Crayolas....Theyre all mixed together right now in this huge Ziploc bag, so i just grabbed what colors i thought would work. And i adore the colors! Those are pretty much my favorite colors - especially the maroon.

And by some accidental miracle, i managed to make her look Asian, which, to begin with, wasnt even my plan...it just sort of...turned out that way.

As i always say when im ending a description of one of my drawings, Enjoy!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
cats, geisha, kitties
29 votes thumb
13 members Favoritefavorite
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