Zakuro Rose (Fan Art Portfolio) Marth and Zelda

Marth and Zelda
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Finally! It took a long time, but it's finally finished. This was a request by Swords411 about a Marth and Zelda pic. Swords411, I hope you like it!

What took so long is that I actually shaded the thing, and did it take a long time to shade. I actually shaded it with my smacktarded mouse (it doesn't like me). I begged my friend to tell me how to shade. The advice? Take the airbrush/paintbrush and make a big blob with the color you want to shade with where you want to shade. Then, take the eraser and erase what you don't need. Since I needed a reference of where the light was, I made an extra layer name "Light Source" and made a highlighter yellow sun in the corner of the pic. When she said this I was like "That is so stupid. No way." Sure enough, it worked. So lets all give applause to her.

Marth's cape on the left ends kind of weird. I actually wasn't going to put a background in, but it was missing something without one. If it didn't have a background, the cape wouldn't look as bad. This is based off of a screenshot I had in the Super Smash Bros Melee game, so they may kinda look different. I also had a huge color hunt because the screenshot was such poor quality it didn’t have good colors to extract from. Hope you like it!

Thank you for viewing! Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.Other than that, enjoy!

My portfolio and images contained in it are Copyright ©2008 Zakuro Rose. All rights reserved. All the materials contained in my portfolio may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted, borrowed, duplicated, printed, downloaded, or uploaded in any way without my express written permission. My images do not belong to the public domain.

Super Smash Bros Fan Art
marth, melee, swords41, zakuro rose, zelda
5 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
artypants1017 Mitsukochan12345 Swords411 Blood Moon Wolf
Member Dedication
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This work is not available for use in other pieces


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