Welp, this is my entry for Rein Akira's contest! If you're confused by the situation, allow my to evaluate: In Rein Akira's fan manga, Rein is 'friends' with Gaara-kun, which... *smiles micheviously* could possibly turn into a crush, is what my hypothesis is.
(Oh, I'm so smart. Kukukukuku...
) So, I put in my OC, Mikeada Nekamo (a.k.a. Miki) who HAS a crush on Gaara-kun... and gave both of them a big fat book of Gaara Fanart
*cough*includingthesmexygaarafanart*chough* ! But much to their dismay, Gaara-kun found out, and saw to it that the book was to be destroyed forever.
I had fun drawing all of their expressions. The fire effect is poor, I know. Gomen, gomen. Once I become a guru of OpenCanvas (which probably won't happen for a LONG time, since I lack intelegence when it comes with computers) I hope my coloring will be better.
Hope everyone likes! Feel free to comment, hug and fav!