trublue (Fan Art Portfolio) Natsumi Miu - F I N

Natsumi Miu - F I N
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Ahhh~~ finally done!! And long before the deadline! :3

It's my entry for Mogami Hikari-san's contest and the winner's character gets a place in her new comic!! I'm excited!! >__<

N A M E: Natsumi Miu*
A G E: 15
G E N D E R: Female
H A I R C O L O R: Blonde
E Y E C O L O R: Blue
D O B: May 15
V I L L A G E: Sound
C L A N: Natsumi
R A N K: Jounin
T A I J U T S U: 7
G E N J U T S U: 9
N I N J U T S U: 6
K E K K E I G E N K A I: Gucha-gyo, Okupiano

O T H E R:

Natsumi Miu is the most powerful ninja to come from the little-known Natsumi Clan, not to mention the most famous. Young Miu, after struggling to pass the Genin Exam passed the Chunin Exam with absolute ease, and not too long after, aced the Jounin Exam as well.

As a sound ninja, she favors Genjutsu over Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. The Natsumi Clan possesses not one, but two Kekkei Genkai: Gucha-gyo and Okupiano. Gucha-gyo causes the opponent to feel the pain of the breaking of all the bones in his or her body at once, but continues until the user wishes making it an extremely powerful technique. Okupiano, though not as brutal as Gucha-gyo, is very useful as well. It causes the opponent to hear the discord of a thousand pianos and acts like Chinese Water Torture.

*Her last name is first according to the Japanese custom! Her first name is Miu!!

Naruto Fan Art
fin, hikari, hitomikawa, miu, mogami, naruto, natsumi, tru, trucchi
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