Inspector/Lt. Gadget reads to his twins, Yumi (Left) and Akio Ichiro Gadget.(Right)
OK, so you can all breathe easy... Or rather I can. o_O I got it coloured at last. This has taken so long I feel my spine is about to compress like a tin-bloody-can. >_<
Aaaanyway. Yeah.
As before, you have to notice the little details (IE: The symbolism of the book he's reading to them, the Gye and Gail toys, the Zapher Tivien mug, the amusing face drawn in the condensation on the window and the cop car etc) and IGNORE the crappy window! >_O
Oh and btw... For those who are obsessed with healthy living, those are not sweets. They are actually Akio & Yumi's nightly vitamins made up to look like sweets so they will take them. They are such awkward lil devils, you see.
I'm happy with this. ^_^ (For once.)
(Crit not desired. Have a nice day! ;P )