LunaLei (Fan Art Portfolio) Bloody Abyss

Bloody Abyss
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Okay. I have decided to start another manga! It shall also be an original manga one since it seems that people don't really enjoy reading much about fan characters paired up with one of their favorite characters of that anime. Example. Say if you liked Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach. If someone else paired a fan character they made with him, you may not like it. Well, some people don't. Another, Sesshomaru paired with a fan character. It's like in LuckyChan101's manga and in Reenigrl's manga. But in my opinion, I personally love the two stories because they use fan characters so yeah. But that's my opinion. You don't hafta read my manga when I make it though. I might not make it. It's only a thought. But if you could plese read my manga Joker. It's in portfolio in my fan manga section. Not finished yet though. I'll update it when I'm done with finals.In my piccy: It's depicting a girl who's escaped from a laboratory. Not a human not a demon. And you know what? She's being damned to a watery/bloody abyss of hell. In her opinion, dying in hell for being free is better than dying in a lab as a captured experiment. The water turned to blood because of the demons coming out to take her down to so that she can meet her demise. Oh yeah. This is also the same girl in my On the Experiment Table fanart. Mkay? Okay then. And I also made this pic in commemoration of my 50th fanart that I have submitted to this website! WOOH! That includes the drafts too mind you. I did this in marker too to make this somewhat more special. Mediums you wanna know? Neopiko markers for the skin. Crayola colored pencils for the grass and the moon and some of rocks and water. Crayola markers for everything else. I know that no one even wants to know but lots of people say it anyways so I figured that I might as well do it too. Okay. And as always, PLEASE HUG/COMMENT!! KUDASAI!!! Much appreciated. Arigato and Jaa ne!

*edit* I can't draw splashy looking water.

*edit #2* Thankyou all for +1200 hug! I love you all!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
50, abyss, anime, blood, damned, experiment, fanart, girl, manga, marker, original, pic, waterfall, watery
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