This is Tyan from my Empty sound.
And yes he is a definate incomplete character. For many reasons. The main being that this drawing was initially for male anatomy practice that got out of hand and still didn't end up right.
As of now this is how he will look, but he'll NOT stay this way. His face isn't right and the clothing may change since as I said male anatomy practice. Also i'll probably update this drawing seeing as I forgot to draw his ears, so I will try to get the fixed version up soon. However it's will be pretty much the same, just with ears. I try not to mess with previously finished drawings and running the risk of screwing them up.
For appearence, unless I change it, which is possible, he has sapphire eyes and sandy brown hair. OH! and his hair may change too^-^
P.S. Ingore the white border, I only have that because the drawing was to small.