Hey ppls :3
welz heres my entry for the NYAF mascot contest :3
For me NYC is a lot of young ppl in really cool clothes and walking around with their cell phones lolz (u know its true bout the cell phones lolz)
i wanted to put a skyline really badly so i put it in :3
i hope the water and the sky turned out okay, cuz this is the first time ive colored water and a sky with copic markers lolz X3
i didnt water mark this here on theotaku.com )but i'm watermarking it dA and sheezyart XD
edit: i water marked it lolz
also.. i put the trade centers up there. ive seen images of NYC with the area lit up for where they used to stand.. so i wanted to make it seem like they were lighting up in the sky with all of the other bulidings..
plz in ur comment (if u comment lolz) write a moment of silence to honor the people who died
thanx ppls
done with copic sketch markers
p.s- i really hope i do well in this contest :3