The Eighth Sin (Fan Art Portfolio) Mica Masters -lineart

Mica Masters -lineart
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I haven't submitted anything for two weeks to the very day. I'm just sorry that this is what I'm submitting after so long. From Trio of Terror it's Mica Masters, the older brother of Beryl Masters. I'm sorry for the watermark and the 400 thing. It's easier to just put it on dA and copy it off instead of cropping.

I would like to dedicate him to all seven subscribers, but I won't be cruel. This guy scares me and I created him. I'll never listen to bad rap music for eleven hours strait again as long as I live. Long story.

So, things I like about this picture.... His hair, his eyes, his robe sleeve, and how feminine I got him to look.
Things I don't like: everything else and the character himself. I'll have to write him up on my Fas et Nefas world. I wrote him up on myOtake a long time ago. I copied that infor off and the number of words in his information came out 666. Freaky.

About that hand, it looks really strange as lineart but I swear to you it makes sense. He's got his wrist twisted all weird. I know because I used my hand as a referance. The original design I had in mind for it was way too complecated for me. Fingers sticking out all over the place. And I know his necklace doesn't have a chain. Thin metal chains don't do well as lineart.

Thanks for looking Dedicated to Sam, because for some reason she likes Mica. Honorable mention to my other subscribers.

0.7mm #2 pencil
some random black pen
little green eraser that is completely destroyed
regular printing paper

few days

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
bella-dean, beryl, mica, mica masters, regnavi
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0 members Favoritefavorite
Member Dedication
The Echo Effect
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