Oh Mylanta My scanner works Ryoko! Anyways heres the story behind this. I was at a band competition and this kid everyone and their cousin hates decided to text me out of the blue
so the kid in the hat decided to take his number, and he and his friend posed as "Rick" a gay stalker to get back at him to kill time. Yes the band i am in is filled with psychotic people!
welive (Fan Art Portfolio)
It's me "Rick"
![It's me](http://www.theotaku.com/submissions/temporary/fanart/498600-20080618190811.jpg)
- Created
- 06/18/08
- Category
- Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Art
- Tags
- d.gray man, deidara, envy, full metal alchemist, horohoro, kanda, kyarri, naruto, neji, rick, shaman king, stalker, welive
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- 6 votes
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- 3 members
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