mewmewpudding (Fan Art Portfolio) Into The Fray

Into The Fray
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...and another one is thrown into the fray.

Please welcome the newest member of my imaginary TMM team: Mew Aruv!

*cricket cricket*

Here's the basic stats of my little figment of my imagination:
Name: Olive Mizukai (Mizukai Aruv)
Name origins: Obviously her first name is the way 'Olive' is pronounced in Japanese, and her last name consists of 'mizu'-which means water- and 'kai'- which is ocean or sea. So Olive WaterSea? I dunno... XD;;
Age: 14 (and 1/2)
DOB: July 24
Eye color: sea blue
Hair color: Dark olive green color
Likes: sea food, swimming, the ocean, sand, marine life, warm water, water in general, vegetables
Dislikes: sea urchins, cold water, intense running, horseradish, wasabi

Mew Name: Mew Aruv/Olive
Red Data Animal: Olive Ridley Sea Turtle
Eye color: light green
Hair color: Lighter olive color than her human hair color
Signature color: olive green
Weapon: Olive/Aruv Rainstick
Attack: *in progress* (Any ideas?)

Hopefully the hiragana will say 'My name is Mew Olive!', and I know I used the more 'formal' introduction... I learned it that way, so it's kind of nailed into my head. (And I wanted to throw some more characters in the bubble area. ;3)

Thanks to Goku-chan for pointing out that the 'wa' should be 'ha'. I didn't know that, so I hope it's correct now!

Dedicated to: yuuranachi- for putting up with my insane disorganization skills and my ability to have almost no originality. It's almost all your ideas that keep our joint manga project running! *laughs*

(Sorry about the quality, the paper got wrinkled when I used the watercolors. *is addicted to watercolors*)

Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Art
aruv, fan character, green, hiragana, mew mew, olive, sea turtle, team, tokyo mew mew, turtle
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