I have put this as a Fan charecter of D. Gray Man because that is what she is ~ Smiles ~ Like the previous image I did of Dranzer and probably subsequent ones also. I have to have 8 spiders for my Innocence which I placed at the bottom (that's the swords) and the marks on the forehead that denote Noahetic tendancies (which I think are also rather flattering for my face!) And the webs on my trousers, I think they are going to be an aspect of it as well, they look rather neat lol
In case anyone wonders the thing on my chest is actually a spider. I looked at it yesterday after scanning and resizing and was a touch confused till I remembered I had placed a spider there! They are all sleeping lying on their backs so their legs are in the air (I did try it the other way and it looked rather lame so I wondered how they would actually sleep and came up with that! I think they look rather cute ~ Smiles ~)
I don't have a clue how textures work (one bad thing about practising on Tyki...he never sunbathe ~ Curses ~) so yea I sorta made that up as I went along. We are all lying on towels, apart from the spider on me, he did have a towel but it looked odd so was removed! Grass is evil too, I don't know what that looks liek looked at from above so I just put it as lines and added flowers, don't think it looks too bad!
Oh and my arms rock ~ Grins ~ I am not one of those wilting violets you know, I love strength, it's my passion so my arms aren't really liek that but similar to that ~ Nods ~ Woudln't ever wear a top that shows a little bit of my chest but it worked with the picture. My feet are a little too small probably but at least they look like feet so I can't complain ~ Smiles ~
So yea I am actually rather proud of this picture ~ Bows ~ Thank you for viewing and if you read all this much kudos to you and some candy ~ hands you a lollypop ~
Enjoy minna ^_^