Magnus Lensherr (Fan Art Portfolio) Tendar Moments!

Tendar Moments!
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Don't kill me ~ Looks nervous ~ This is double edged sword of a picture!

This is my secret project, named as such because I culd not tell my brother what it was. Though I think with my lame aversian tactics I have left him with the impression the image was 10 times more saucy than it is ~ Rolls eyes ~ I am submitting it here because I like how I came out and I spent too many hours on this to just confine it to my portfolio and keep it there!

The picture is not perfect I know that, it is also rather faint because I was not going to risk wrecking it by going over the lines in a softer pencil. For the same reason I have also not done a whole lot of shading as in the style of my other pictures. I feel that if I do that then I have to add to all the other lines to make them stand out and could risk wrecking everything which I have done before. Put simply this picture means too much to me for me to take any chances even if it means it is perhaps, in the eyes of some, incomplete. I hope you understand ~ bows ~

My favourite part is by far my hair, I don't know why I just love it ~ Laughs ~ The earring was a nice touch as well. The most annoying bit were the lips, I have no idea what people look like when kissing so had to make it up. Come to that this whole picture is from my mind so any faults etc are all mine, likewise anything good is mine too ~ Grins at my hair and surprisingly my neck ~

I have reluctantly submitted it in the DGM section. I would have hidden it as original anime but I fear would get called on copyright violation so placed it here instead. My art will be all that tells you just who he is ~ Coughs ~ Hell if you know me it should be easy to guess ~ Laughs ~ I actually look kinda neat without glasses as well lol! nd with an earring, my ears don't like metal so I can't wear them in reality ~ Curses ears ~

Well we shall see how long I keep it here. Half of me wants it here because it's got some good art in it, and the other half flinches at the content and wonders if it is appropriate for this place ~ Sighs as heart hammers in chest ~ We shall see lol!


D.Gray-man Fan Art
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