myanimeworld149 (Fan Art Portfolio) got my coat and hat

got my coat and hat
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whoo! this is chance, he normaly doesn't wear this attire but, one of my friends on DA wanted to see him, and also wanted a pic of him as a pimp, so, i thought, "he won't look exactly like one cuz i don't know how, but i will try!" i came out with this. LOOKIE! PIMP CANE! :D


name: chance

age: OLD!

species: chancer(i made it up, it's a demon)

species qualities: never looses bets, very good hand-to-hand(to fight the bouncers), attarcted to casinos, are usually pimps or always winning in big las vegas casinos

personality: he's a jacka$$ and an a$$hole, he's always wanting to gamble, his favorite gambling game is craps, since it involves his favorite object in teh world(dice), he's got a soft side and if you can find it he will be your best friend forever, he's gotten kicked out of every casino in las vegas and is now currently working getting kicked out of reno, he's an alcoholic, but only gets drunk once a month, he's working on stopping this habit because it's bad for you.he's also got a short fuse, so try not to pester him.

his only "friend" he's had is nathan(grim) and he's been stuck with him for 400 years, chance likes grim as a friend even though he hits him all the time and tells grim he dispises him, but grim knows chance likes him as a buddy deep down....DEEP DEEP DOWN!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
ace, cane, cards, chance, cool, hat, hearts, pimp
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3 members Favoritefavorite
zero guardian THE DARK LADY samuraigirl122
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