I got the inspiration for this pic when I was watching a clip of Tyki fighting Suman. !!!!POTENTIAL SPOILERISHNESS BELOW!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Tyki's power allows him to float or pass through objects. In India, Tyki was skimming along the water to attack Suman and his team. I thought..."Wow. Tyki would pwn at ice skating!" 0_0
I know. I know. Winter in June? whut? I couldn't get this pic outta my head unless I drew it. One of my favorite things about DGM is the familyishness that the Noah share...somewhat. I think Road could have used a bit more work (her hands look weird >.>;), but Tyki I'm extremely proud of! The scarf he's wearing is real. I saw it at Hot Topic a while back, and fell in love with it. It's black, fluffy, and has torn, white, webby looking material on top. It's perfect for Ki-Ki-Tama! :D Of course, Jasdevi and Dick Tran (chicken) have to be there! XD I'm probably gonna shade this later. Dunno. Later guys!