i guess there were many people wondering. *this should be tyki?! he never can be tyki!!*
well, i admitt this is not a typic tyki. and i never draw typical persons somehow(or nearly always). but this pic was that is called "kurzschlussreaktion" in german. that means it was done spontanious and without planning nor knowing how this thing would turn out.
well,this pic is an answer of my pic with allen where he is Red-Riding Hood. in the fairytale Red-Riding Hood got eaten by a wolf so i needed a wolf. noahs were the fist to think of ´cause they are enemies. i guess road would have liked to eat allen as well as tyki but, to be honest, i don´t reaally like her. so it was left to tyki. (but sometimes i got the impression kanda´d like to be the wolf, too.but kanda being a companion of allen wasn´t allowed to be the wolf for eating him.^^)
maybe this pic doesn´´t please you but i like the way it turned out and i´m pleased with my colouring. i lke it really much!^^
well, enjoy!^^
p.s.: i´d be thankfull if someone can think of a title! doumo arigatou!