Zakuro Rose (Fan Art Portfolio) The Twins (High Quality)

The Twins (High Quality)
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Well, I didn't do much to this one, if I changed it at all. I think the only thing I did was add some shading. Anywho, I'm starting to like Hiei's WTF look, even if it was unintentional.

Original Caption

My most recent picture as well as the first picture of the two main characters together from my light novel. Though the titles call the twins, they are not technically twins. They just look similar and share the same birthdays. This is not a pairing either! They are best friends and agnate siblings (siblings through an adoptive father). If you couldn't tell by the pic, they're really close.

The biggest problem with the pic is that the emotion that was supposed to be conveyed was lost during the inking process. Hiei looks a little more -_- than he was supposed to and Rose lost some of her loving expression. It was supposed to look as if they really cared about each other.

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Other than that, enjoy!

My portfolio and images contained in it are Copyright ©2008 Zakuro Rose. All rights reserved. All the materials contained in my portfolio may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted, borrowed, duplicated, printed, downloaded, or uploaded in any way without my express written permission. My images do not belong to the public domain.

Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Art
hiei, oc, rose, yu yu hakusho, zakuro rose
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