YAY! IT'S A NEW ARTWORK! And done also in Photoshop! =)
The title was brought to you by how I was listening to "Sakura Drops" by Utada Hikaru. And since Nadeshiko's name is a nadeshiko flower, I thought I'd use these two. ^^
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS PICTURE! x3 Yeah, I know it's of me and my boyfriend's character, but it's also the coloring on nit!
It came out uberly awesome!
The sakuras weren't that much of a pain to color at all either. XD
I LUV~ the grass brushes, OMG. @_@ Now I don't have to settle for drawing them out anymore. XD
At first, this wasn't going to be my 100th pic for DA. O_< It was going to be the seven boys, but after lady-black-jackal said we have to change Jackson into Sirius, I was like, "FAWK... >>"
No matter, I'll probably use that one when I get 150+ or 200+ votes.
Ehh...maybe the 200+ since they're so popular. XD
Speaking of, I HAVE 136 RIGHT NOW! YAYZ~!
So yeah, yayz to my 100th pic! In fact, I did this Tuesday and finished that day, too. ^^ (My friend also came over, too but she was busy with Guitar Hero ^^")
I wasn't able to post it up until now because I keep forgetting to put it into my flash drive. =P
So enjoy the picture!
Ike (c) my boyfriend (I WILL TACKLE HIM TO GET AN ACCOUNT)
Nadeshiko (c) mein