Michiyo Shimizu (Fan Art Portfolio) AMAI KANDEI-IRO SORA

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Too lazy to write anything original for you guys.. xD;;; Sorry ;^; but the title of the piece is Sweet candy-colored sky xD

Hm... Maybe I'll edit this picture later, now I got a few more ideas for it xD adding "candy" bubbles to it would be nice =3

Well, the person in this picie is..... MOI! xD I had an idea of drawing myself like this (again) because I was in a "sexy" mood.. LOL and I had some nice themes to my appearance such as... describing my personality with this appearance.

-white hair would give me my purity (ha! xD;) in my soul and my serenity/peacefulness :3

-my red eyes would give me my big attribute of romance and passion.. xD only my true friends know how big I'm into love.. lol so it's a big trait of mine >o> lol

-My ears would probably hold the traits of innocence O:3 lol
though I am mischievous... I am also very innocent in many stupid situations.. I know when not to be stupid and I know when it can be a light and playful time to fool around a bit.

-The wings (I like being original with wings! xD)... would represent my wanting to be free/or freedom. :3 I wish I could have a lot of time to do all the things I wanted with people, like going to a restaurant and eat there or spend time with my friends.. if they lived nearby more ;___; Also drawing more and being away from stress... haaaaa~~~ |3 or spending time with my best friend ^^ lol x3 if they also lived nearby ... ;^;'''

-Would all of those traits just be described as a white angelic fox?! D: lol ... if you know Japanese mythology on foxes.. xD

But yeah xD On some other notes, I was trying to do a new style of coloring... such as muhoho-seijin.deviantart.com 's (please visit her!! '' she has awesome, professional artwork!!! orozu''') style ;^;' I really love her style of coloring and thankfully, I got to meet her and have some autographed pieces from her hanging on my wall ^____^ So her drawings inspired me to come up with new ideas for pictures.. :3

Time taken: 10+ hours
How it was done: Photoshop, scanned drawing (gasp! lol), pencil, BG = all photoshop

I hope you guys like ^_^///

EDIT: I changed some of the face and ... not the ankle.. I'm not making it again D:_ I already know it's bad xD;

but I changed the sun (hope it is not weird.. ;________;) and some of the clouds.. er.. I guess xD; and I added in the bubbles =O I hope they're not too distracting, orozu~ lol I hope I made it better! T___T;;;'''

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
amai, anime, beach, clouds, color, fox, hi, iro, kitsune, kumo, manga, michiyo shimizu, orange, orenji, original, original anime, peace, sea, serenity, shiroi, sky, sora, sun, sunlight, sweet, taiyou, umi, white
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