Kitty K.O. (Fan Art Portfolio) Fate/Destiny Result

Fate/Destiny Result
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Here is the final element in the series... Fate! Slash Destiny! Lol. Now he is actually two people in one body, not two separate people. Destiny represents a positive outcome, while Fate represents the negative. Looking at the two of them, you could probably guess their personalities. Destiny is very bubbly and always carries that doll, Kuro. Fate is a bit like Gravity, though he really is more sadistic than him. His doll is Kuro... only turned inside out and covered with blood, peirced, bandaged, blindfolded, scuffed, scratched, and stiched up. =O-O= *silence* His name is Dibrom (That's Morbid spelled backwards) I tried to make his doll look as disturbing as possible. There was no WAY Fate was going to be seen with a cutie pink plushie, so the two of them compromised by having a reversible doll. The doll also has it's own split soul. Kuro is cutsie, while Dibrom is... well disturbing. =^v^;=

I kind of like Fate, in the fact that you would NOT want to be stuck in a closet with him for any length of time. So that would make for an interesting twist in a Seven Minutes in Heaven story. Hehe. I dunno, like a lot of people, I have that special affinity for bad boys. Though I don't think I'd actually date one in real life. They just have that attractiveness about them that's a bit irrisistable.

That concludes the Element series! I hope you enjoyed my take on the embodiment of each element (and not so element). Please tell me what you think, which one is your favorite, or if you have a element to add, tell me and I'll gladly add it to the series. =^^= I like a little feedback to know where I stand (though even if I was the best, I still try to find some way to improve. heh... =^_^=). Thanks for sticking with the series! Hope you liked them!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
7 minutes in heaven, elements, fate/destiny, kitty k.o.
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