harvestmoonluvr (Fan Art Portfolio) Pokemon Master! (redo)

Pokemon Master! (redo)
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Hi everybody! This is my redo of pokemon master! for lunalei's contest
i saw everyone elses entry and was like "oh snap!" cuz they were all so good! so here is my waaaaay better version (in my opinion)
its my whole team from pokemon ruby for gameboy and i am from the hoenn region
the pokemon, in order from left and down, are...
taillow, wingull, swablu, minun, sandshrew, spinda, wynaut, spheal, skitty, spoink, oddish, shroomish, linoon, torchic, pikachu, castform, groudon, kecleon, azurill, and luvdisc *pant pant and thats latios in the background but hes not on my team
they are meh super cute butt kickin team! (except groudon isnt cute...)
so im like really mad cause i still havent beaten the game i got to the 3rd elite 4...
of course, by the end of the game, most o these guys have evolved, but i wanted the pic to look cute. and im so sad because i couldnt get a plusle. but i still have a pretty good (and super cute) team, doncha think? well i hope you guys like the pic, especially you, lunalei!

Pokemon Fan Art
azurill, castform, contest, groudon, harvestmoonluvr, hoenn, kecleon, latios, linoone, lunalei, luvdisc, minun, oddish, pikachu, pokemon, shroomish, skitty, spheal, spinda, spoink, swablu, taillow, torchic, wingull, wynaut
17 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
sakura dancer khismylife animelover7310 narutoluver1 sonnyparadisewish LunaLei
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