sonnyparadisewish (Fan Art Portfolio) races for lost in a nightmare

races for lost in a nightmare
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hiya! this is a picture with the different races that are in my new club, 'LOST IN A NIGHTMARE'

it's like a fantasy club. so if your into that stuff....


well, a part of submission is choosing a character. these are the races your character can be:

Human-pretty self explanitory, i mean, we all know what humans look like.

Neko-cat like people. their clothing is more stone age like. they must have cat ears, tail, eyes and fangs.

Usagi-people with rabbit features. they have the ears and tail. as for their clothing...well it's up to the first person to submit an Usagi. ^^" i would say something more stone age or native american like but it could be watever.

Trious-water beings. they were hardly any clothes(ya know wat i mean). they have gills on their face. males have gills on their chest(they are normally shirtless). they are all physically strong also. their hair is either pink or blue but i'll make an exception for members of the club to have different hair color.

Aslak-beast like people, the design is completely up to you. ^^

Nomanz-little mouse like people, they dress like santa's elves. but they can also look more modern. they must have wiskers and ears adn tail.

Elfen-absolutely gorgeous beings with big ears(normally have piercings) and glowing eyes. males are usually shirtless(yay!) and females where more revealing outfits(but not too revealing!). design must have large pointy ears.

Well, there you go. Please join soon.

The first eight people to join will become party leaders and will be the only members allowd to create and design two characters.

You get to design characters, but follow these guidelines.

Rules and info for submitting/joining are up in my world called 'lost in a dream'

hope to see some of your submissions soon ^^

-Aurelia Del Pier; Leader of the Infinite Light team

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
lost in a nightmare, races
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6 members Favoritefavorite
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