Michiyo Shimizu (Fan Art Portfolio) Aria Finds Remiel

Aria Finds Remiel
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[Aria trekked through the carcasses and fields of a new type of hell with a bundle of mercy in her arms. She shed streaks of new and dried blood on certain parts of her body. She was somewhat weak fighting the monsters that reigned and made their marks on the town of Mizekiel. Her wounds, however, were nothing to her and she solemnly stared at the dragon that had been beat and bruised by the demon that made him this way.

"You are lucky to have been just cursed like this and not tossed and destroyed like a common, petty civilian. I don't know what your name is, but I shall grant you the privileges to going home with me and being one of my servants. I shall name you Remiel, which means 'Mercy of God' since your life has at least been spared, although cursed. But, I will also give you the nickname, 'Remi' which means oarsman. A mythical figure who was such an oarsman was Charon, himself in Roman mythology. The oarsman who gave rides to people on the river of the dead in Hade's underworld, it is such a pun on a name with such an example for you are either now cursed divinely or cursed demonic. I shall try to break your curse one day for you, little one."

With her speech to Remi's defeaned ears, she carried the cursed jar with the demon that was in it that carried the only cure to Remi's spell.]


I haven't made a Remi and Aria picture in a while and this is a contest entry for DA :3 So the requirements were to make a drawing of your own character in a certain style and make them interesting. I hope this interesting enough for the requirements ;^;' I hope I win something at least xD I really want first place since I worked hard on this. :3 I think I worked on this for 4-5 days straight since Sunday? and I really like how it turned out *____* even though it is really gorey.

As you can see by appearance, Aria is not your ordinary queen. She is very mysterious and she's somewhat fragile sometimes with Rosho. She's very strong though on normal situations but she's not your soft, smiley anime character girl xD She's very kept to herself but she loves being with her "pet," Remi. She first found Remi on the fields of a destroyed town where Remi is from. His people were involved in a massacre and only a few people survived since help came from Imaena and Aria took part in helping out. Remi's family was killed and he was the only survivor. He tried to fend off the demon who killed his family but the demon had a jar with him that took Remi's original appearance and form and changed him into a teeny, little dragon. Remi can breathe fire but he's not very good at it.

I hope you guys like and wish me luck for the contest! x)

Time taken: 15+ hours
Program used: Photoshop 7, no scanning or pencil or whatsoever.

Characters (c) to me ~ No stealing, please.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
anime, aria, cham, cham-cham, destiny in imaena, dii, dragon, find, finding, manga, michiyo, michiyo shimizu, mikuni, original anime, pet, remi, remiel, rosho, shimizu, treasure
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