enin (Fan Art Portfolio) The Strong Silent Type

The Strong Silent Type
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[NOTE: This is a digital piece I submitted for another art site (which paid no attention to it). I thought I should add to the content here since it IS anime (which I rarely do these days) and this IS an anime site. The caption below is taken directly from the other site's submission. Enjoy!]

I've been wanting to do this piece for as long as I can remember. I finally got down to painting it out this past week. I haven't done anime-ish faces for awhile, so excuse the strange style.

If you are unfamiliar with the characters, they are (from left to right) Takashi Morinozuka (A.K.A. Mori-senpai) from Ouran Highschool Host Club, Yuki Nagato from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and Jin from Samurai Champloo.

I found myself a huge fan of their characters while watching each series. It didn't take long for me to realize why. Their personalities are quite similar in that they are all quiet characters who keep to themselves, yet they are also physically strong and skilled in combat. During the rare moments when they actually do speak, it is often wise, intelligent and/or of great importance.

Basically, they play the guardian role. In fact, in all three series, they literally are guardians.

I originally want to do a piece of fanart for each. I put them together because I felt it would make an interesting encounter. Of course, they're drinking tea. Why? Because it's my deal. It's what I do. Well... That and these three seem like the type to just relax with a cup of tea in peace. How can you not like them? It's neat characters like these three that make me loathe loudmouths even more.

Just a few notes:

- Mori-senpai is looking at tea leaves in the bottom of his cup.

- Yuki-chan is fascinated by the steam.

- Jin just finished his cup.

- Yes, the moon looks similar to the Smash Bros logo. It was probably floating in the back of my head because I played Brawl a couple of days ago.

- The lantern says "tea"

All comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Art
jin, melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, mori senpai, ouran high school host club, samurai champloo, takashi morinozuka, tea, yuki nagato
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