gkucutie (Fan Art Portfolio) Redo-I Won't Abandon You!

Redo-I Won't Abandon You!
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Yeah decided to redo this considering the first one wasn't all that great. So I hope this new one is alot better. But yeah it's kind of weird how I came up with this little collage. See one night I had this weird dream that Kate, Ash, Sam and Riley were at some stadium getting chased around by people that were working for some snobby rich ghost kid, I don't know why maybe they insulted him or something -shrugs-. Riley and Kate didn't have their powers and they had the boys with them and Ash, Sam and Riley all got captured. But Kate wasn't captured because she hid in some bathroom stall in the womens' bathroom. Why no one looked in there I have no clue. But then Kate decided to fight back and reclaim her friends and acted more like some type of ninja. She saved her friends before the rich ghost kid could brutally punish infront of a huge audience full of ghost people. Not sure what the punishment was but yeah...
Really I'm dead serious I really dreamed that all up, it was all seriously a dream.
So then I decided to try and somewhat recreate that dream in a collage. And now...that kind of gave me an idea for my manga story. but anyway I hope you guys liked this...even though it might not be a very good collage but I did the best I could with Paint Shop Pro and what E Frontier would allow me to do.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
angels, ash, kate, kokoro, riley, sam
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