An OC of mine from a Xenosaga fic I'm writing (Story 1's done and Story 2's near complete). In the third story, she (the OC Shane) along with her second persona (Rukia XD) becomes a popular singer named ShaRUKA (Shane + Rukia = ShaRUKA) who is serving in the Federation miltary. Basically, she's a songtress/military soldier.
Her first single, Year of Progress, has become popular with its 4,000 year music style (rock, pop, and techno) along with the catchy songs it has on the album. Most of the songs (or all of them) are from well-known anime/game/other song artists (i.e. Eiko Shimamiya, Utada Hikaru, Within Temptation, Evanescence to name a few).
This artwork is of ShaRUKA's album.
Maybe I'll post her concert artwork... >:p Hope you like. :D