icefoxchan (Fan Art Portfolio) 3 Fav. Females

3 Fav. Females
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Hey! It took me a while to do this pic, since my mouse is being lazy and stuff.... anyway, I think I probably told most of you(the ones who saw my Bridgetter and Arianna pic) that the show, which Arianna is an OC of,if you haven't, it's called Total Drama Island(TDI for short,the only CN show WITH swearing and maturity, BUT not THAT much like the cartoons on Adult Swim)

Anyway, the three girls in the pic are three of my 5 favorite female characters on the show...from left to right:Izzy,LeShawna,Gwen

Why I like Izzy:What's NOT to like about her? She is just SO funny! Yet so crazy!Whoever doesn't like a crazy char. is uptight! Especially in episode 5 (Izzy(dancing):I call this...the dance...OF..the rattlesnake!) XD

Leshawna:She is kickass! Leshawna is tough! (well, except towards giant spiders, I don't blame her they freak me out too) The guy who she gets paired up with in TDI, scratch that, the pairing with her in TDI really surprised me! The guy looks ALOT like Napoleon Dynamite,well, a 16 year old(they're all 16) cartoon version of him

but I don't care! HaroldxLeShawna,really me....

Gwen: SHE IS NOT EMO!!! She is goth, but she still is a nice person inside... I like her and Trent, a guy who plays guitar but unfortunately there's this new running gag almost midway through the show where he gets hurt in AMOST EVERY episode(etc. getting food poisoned, stuck in quicksand) plus the EVIL BTCH Heather kisses him when gets eliminated(if she was real I SO would've killed her...)

Don't dis her just because she's goth...really! I don't see what's SO wrong with goth people like Gwen....

Gwen,LeShawna,Izzy all belong to the creators of Total Drama Island

Other TV Fan Art
gwen, izzy, leshawna, tdi
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