Art Trade with MewMewpudding! ^w^
ahgg...sorry it sucks though. DX
I think link, or in this case Linkette, looks fine, but it was really hard to make Zelda(Zeldon) a guy. DDX
These gender benders are really fun though. :) especially Zelda ones, so maybe I'll do more of these in the future! ^w^
I was too lazy to put all of that detail like in the official Zelda art, that's probably why Zeldon looks crappy. :P
btw, what would Ganondorf be called if he was a girl?
XD idk, I'm really lame with names, lol
^^ oh, and Pudding-chan, you don't have to do your part of the art trade right away, I know you're busy. :3 don't stress yourself!
well, hope you guys like it! ^^