Haha, this is such a stupid little doodle. But as promised here it is. Orann and Ratori.
I just love how Ratori's really trying not to act uncomfortable (Ratori has a severe complex about nudity from Searian). He better hope Orann doesn't wake up and see him playing with his hair. D: Orann's got a lovely little brace on his leg, since he mysteriously broke it. No doubt falling down a flight of steps while drunk off his ass. :D I imagine this would take place, if at all, a year after Orann and Ratori meet.
I doubt this really needs a warning; you can't see nothing, not even his ass. :nana: That line is his tailbone, which is pronounced for one or two reasons: he broke that too, one mysterious night, or because of his Reveckan heritage. And Ratori has his clothes on, since unlike Orann, he can sleep with them on, quite well.
Orann and Ratori/ART (c) 2008 Sceadu Fer Deu