hey adam! i hope this isnt too late for ur contest! now, this is my bossman cupcake entry for adam's contest! i tried to make him as battle-hardend as much i as could and i think it's pretty good! i hope im not bragging! im trying not too! anyways, this is the description for my pic; they just got over a war, and the bossman cupcake finds one of him henchman dead. it does not matter to him that this henchman is dead. he means nothing to the bossman cupcake. nothing. he found many other dead, but it still did not matter to him that the henchman is dead. he can always get more henchman to serve him through his rein as bossman cupcake he figures so to him, this man does not matter at all.
okay, that's the description for this pic and i hope u guys like it! comments and hugs appeciated!